Sunday, 3 September 2017

Shoe dog by Phil Knight

Shoe dog is a memoir by Phil Knight, the co-founder of Nike. I've completed reading the book and have to say the book is simply terrific. It recounts how Knight and his team went about building the company from scratch and how they faced insurmountable challenges and obstacles all along the way. The book is so engrossing that you feel that all the events are unfolding right in front of your eyes.

I loved this book because it gives out a message that if you have the determination and the grit to achieve something then you will definitely sail through. The author being an accountant also brings in accounting concepts such as assets equal liabilities plus equity. I got curious about these concepts and ended up watching youtube videos and had a fruitful discussion with my father who is from a financial background.

The book produces valuable messages throughout the book. The message on the art of competition was one that hit me really hard. Knight goes on to explain that the people who succeed in the competition are the ones who master the art of forgetting. You need to forget your past, your pain, and your doubts and most importantly forget your limits. Another key takeaway from the book would be the way Knight describes his internal chant: fail fast. He explains that when Nike's team were about to take terrifying risks they always had it in the back of their minds that they might fail. They only hoped that they would fail quickly so they would have enough time to implement all their hard-won lessons.

It's not short of quotes as well. Here are some of my favorite quotes:

  • "The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones" - Confucius. It reminded me of Dashrath Manjhi 
  • "You could do all the running it takes to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that" - Lewis Carroll
  • "The cowards never started and the weak died along the way -- that leaves us"
Overall it is a book not only meant for entrepreneurs but also for any person that has the willingness and endurance to turn a dream into reality. The memoir is guaranteed to get you inspired.